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To keep the environment beautiful forever

"The first step toward saving the human race from a broken world"
-Conserve the environment through the business of recycling-

To keep the environment beautiful forever

There are currently more than six billion passengers living on this spaceship, planet earth. However, this spaceship is facing a crisis.
Within a single century, as a result of the disordered mining of resources (minerals, fossil fuels, etc.) that is equal to the mining activity of thousands of years in the past, the planet has become damaged and pollution has been spreading in our air, water, and soil. If this continues, there will be no future for our planet.
Now, more than ever, all of us have the urgent duty to recognize the importance of environmental management and to take action.
At Heian Inc., we would like to conserve the global environment for future generations and restore local communities by receiving used automobile engines from all over the country, and by melting down these engines we recycle aluminum, iron, oil, and second hand engine components so that these resources do not go to waste. With this kind of activity, we would like to restore the injured earth and mankind.

Motto of the company in Heian Inc.

Motto of the company in Heian Inc.

Feelings in Heian Inc.

  • Feelings in Heian Inc.01
  • Feelings in Heian Inc.02

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